Polygonal Fields in Atlas Flight


Polygonal Fields in Atlas Flight

NOTE: Atlas Flight is no longer supported as of 2019. You can still download and use the app, but please be aware that you may experience deprecated features and bugs.

The Atlas Flight app from MicaSense allows remote pilots to plan a mapping mission with DJI Drones and MicaSense sensors.

 By default, users can create rectangular flight plans that can fit most standard fields. However, Atlas Flight has the ability to upload polygonal flight plans to the drone by logging in to your Atlas account and viewing your custom fields! This guide shows you how to create custom fields in Atlas, and subsequently view them in Atlas Flight.

 If you need an Atlas account, you can request your account here: https://atlas.micasense.com/app/request-account

 Creating a new field in Atlas:

  1. Log in to your Atlas account and navigate to the “Farms” tab at the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the green “New” button to begin. Navigate using the map view to your your field, and set your “marker”.
  3. Once you’ve marked your “Farm”, you can then save it and go ahead to create your “Fields” within that Farm. To start, click on “View Fields”.
  4. To create your new Field, you can either upload a .KML file (for high precision), or manually draw the boundaries.
  5. In this example, we’ve divided a circular plot into two different fields:
  6. Once your fields have been created, you can then open your Atlas Flight app, and tap on the Farm icon (bottom right).

  7. Once you enter your login information, you should see a list of all your Farms and Fields.

  8. Once you select the Field you want, your flight plan will be automatically mapped. You can tap and drag the ‘circular arrows’ to change the direction of the aircraft.

That’s all there is to it!


NOTE: There is a limit of 25 Fields at this time, and adding/removing/editing the Fields must be done online in your Atlas account.


If you have any questions please contact support@micasense.com 


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