Users can view various indices and composites in the browser or can download the raw output, which comes in two files:
GeoTIFF: This is a 5-layer, 16-bit ortho-rectified GeoTIFF file. A GIS application is needed to open this type of file. The pixel values are proportional to % reflectance, with a pixel value of 32768 being equal to 100% reflectance (65535 is equal to 200% reflectance). In order to extract the reflectance values you will need to divide by 32768.
Each layer of the GeoTIFF contains a calibrated reflectance map for a particular wavelength band, as follows:
- Layer 1 = Blue
- Layer 2 = Green
- Layer 3 = Red
- Layer 4 = Red Edge
- Layer 5 = Near-Infrared
- Layer 1 = Green
- Layer 2 = Red
- Layer 3 = Red Edge
- Layer 4 = Near-Infrared
DSM: This is a single layer, floating-point ortho-rectified GeoTIFF file. Each pixel in the file represents the height of the object (i.e. ground, or canopy) at that location, in meters above sea level.