If experiencing issues with inconsistent or longer than expected capture times, you can test the storage device to ensure it meets the required performance. This test can be done on the ground or in the lab before a flight. To test the storage device, you will need a power supply for the camera and a stopwatch or other precise timing device. Power on the camera, and follow the steps below.
- Update the camera with the latest released firmware. (How?)
- Under the Configuration tab, Storage and Firmware, format the storage device using the camera. (How?)
- Under the Configuration tab, Basic Configuration, enable Manual Exposure to achieve the fastest trigger interval. Remember to press the Save button.
- Under the Configuration tab, Basic Configuration, place the camera in timer mode for a period of 0.5 seconds. Remember to press the Save button. (How?)
- Start both the stopwatch and the camera's timer mode at the same time. Use the Start button under the Configuration tab, Basic Configuration, to start camera triggering.
- Press stop on both the timer mode and the stopwatch after at least 10 minutes, but before the card is full.
- Be sure to properly power down your camera by holding down the trigger button for about 4 seconds until all lights have turned off. This prevents any possible data corruption.
- Check the number of images written to the storage device. (How?)
- If there is more than one folder, there are 200 images in each folder (except the last). For the last folder, look for the highest-numbered image in the last folder and add that to the count. For example, if "002" is the last folder, folders 000 and 001 would each have 200 images. In the last folder, 002/IMG_0185_1.tif would be image number 185. The number of images would be 200*2 + 185 (or 585).
- Divide this number by the number of seconds the camera was allowed to run, and this provides the average capture rate the storage device can sustain.
- The resulting number should be greater than or equal to 1. If it is less than 1, the storage device may not be suitable for use. Replace it with our recommended SD card for RedEdge or a USB 3.0 SSD, or another fast storage device for Altum.
NOTE: Altum has an additional consideration. Every 5 minutes or 2-degree change in temperature, the thermal camera needs to recalibrate, which takes a few seconds (about 3 seconds). This could delay capture times in some instances.