Processing using third-party tools
For users that want to get the fastest results with the least overhead, RedEdge imagery can be processed in third-party image processing software such as Pix4D, Agisoft Photoscan, ENVI, or Solvi. For more information, please visit our tutorials on how to process with Pix4D and how to process with Agisoft.
Below are listed options for 1. Local Processing, 2. Cloud Processing, and 3. Analytics (no processing) of MicaSense sensor data that have been used and historically worked. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all options, but it does include options MicaSense has explored to some extent.
Local Processing
- Agisoft Metashape
- Metashape is a local processing engine that handles data from MicaSense cameras, including radiometric calibration using the DLS2 and/or panel. Although it does have an index calculator that permits the generation of NDVI, NDRE, and other indices and composites, the main value of Metashape is quality data processing, providing a 5-layer (RedEdge-MX and RedEdge-P), 6-layer (Altum and Altum-PT) GeoTIFF that can then be analyzed in other software, next to the DSM and contour lines. Metashape also supports pan-sharpening of data from the Altum-PT and RedEdge-P: Pan-sharpening/processing data from Altum-PT and RedEdge-P cameras in Agisoft MetashapeMore information about the Metashape workflow can be found here: Process MicaSense sensor data in Agisoft Metashape
- Pix4Dmapper and Pix4Dfields
- Pix4Dmapper is a combined local and cloud processing engine that handles RedEdge-MX and Altum data. Although it does have an index calculator, the main value of Pix4Dmapper is a quality data processing and reflectance calibration, providing 5 separate layers (RedEdge-MX and RedEdge-P) or 6 layers (Altum and Altum-PT) in GeoTIFF format that can then be analyzed in other software, next to the DSM and contour lines.
- Pix4Dfields has combined local and cloud processing options. The value of Pix4Dfields is very fast processing along with radiometric calibration. If the quick turnaround is critical, fields are the best solution for in-field processing. There are also some basic layers that provided post-processing, such as RGB, NDVI, and NDRE, and export prescription maps. Pix4Dfields also supports pan-sharpening of data from the Altum-PT and RedEdge-P: Pan-sharpening/processing Altum-PT and RedEdge-P data in Pix4DfieldsMore information about the Pix4D workflow can be found here: How to Process MicaSense Sensor Data in Pix4D
- Simactive Correlator3D
- Correlator3D is a local processing engine that handles RedEdge-MX and Altum data. The main value of Correlator3D is quality data processing, providing a 5-layer (RedEdge-MX) or 6-layer (Altum) GeoTIFF that can then be analyzed in other software. In the current version, Correlator 3D does not perform the radiometric calibration, but this may be added in the future.
Cloud Processing
- Aerobotics Aeroview
- Aeroview is a cloud-based processing and analytics software that specializes in tree crop and tree fruit analytics. If you plan to be working primarily with tree crops, this is an excellent option.
- is a cloud-based processing and analytics software that provides indices and composites like RGB, NDVI, and NDRE. It also has zonal statistics capabilities allowing easier analysis of test plots. If you plan to be doing plot research with your data, this is a good option.
- Pix4Dfields
- Pix4Dfields has a cloud processing option. The value of Pix4Dfields is in its data processing speed. If a quick turnaround is critical, fields are the best solution. Some basic layers are provided post-processing, such as RGB, NDVI, and NDRE, and analytical tools.
- PrecisionAnalytics Agriculture (PrecisionHawk)
- PrecisionAnalytics is a cloud-based processing and analytics software that Provides indices and composites like RGB, NDVI, and NDRE. It also has zonal statistics capabilities allowing easier analysis of test plots. One notable tool of PrecisionAnalytics is the ability to toggle between datasets of the same area captured at different times. This is a good all-around solution for those wanting cloud processing, generation of layers, and some analytical tools.
- Solvi
- Solvi is a cloud-based processing and analytics platform that provides some basic layers (NDVI, RGB). It also has some zonal statistics capabilities for those doing plot research.
Analytics (must upload processed GeoTIFF)
- Agremo
- Agremo is a cloud-based analytics and viewing software that receives a GeoTIFF that has already been processed in local processing software. It provides some basic indices and composites and tools such as plant counting and zone map generation from the indices. Use this software if you’re looking for a value add-on to your processing engine (Pix4D, Agisoft, Simactive, etc.)
- FluroSat Flurosense
- Flurosense is a cloud-based analytics and viewing software that receives a GeoTIFF that has already been processed in a local processing software. It provides some basic indices and composites as well as analytical tools that are specific to particular crop types like wheat and cotton. Use this software if you’re looking for value-add specific to particular crops (especially row-crops) to your processing engine (Pix4D, Agisoft, Simactive, etc.)
Creating your own processing workflows
For advanced users and partners that would like to implement their own raw image processing workflow software, we have published a series of tutorials and software on the use of RedEdge imagery and metadata for achieving the best results. You can find the tutorials and code on GitHub here: MicaSense Image Processing. MicaSense has developed a custom radiometric model for RedEdge, which should always be used for the best results. The model is implemented in the image processing tutorials linked above and can be explored further in this article.